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发布时间:2022-04-22 11:51   来源:网络    作者:adminf

张大千(Chang Dai-Chien,1899年5月10日-1983年4月2日),四川内江人[1],祖籍广东省番禺[2],中国泼墨画家,书法家,“大风堂派”的创始人之一,二十世纪中国画坛最具传奇色彩的泼墨画工之一,被西方艺坛赞为“东方之笔”。


Chang Dai-Chien (May 10, 1899-April 2, 1983), a native of Neijiang, Sichuan [1], originally from Panyu, Guangdong Province [2], is a Chinese ink-splashing painter and calligrapher, one of the founders of Dafengtang School, one of the most legendary ink-splashing painters in Chinese painting circles in the 20th century, and praised by western art circles as the "oriental pen". Zhang Daqian has made great achievements in landscape painting, combining painting style with work and writing, and combining heavy colors with ink and wash, among which splashing ink and splashing color created a new artistic style. Because his poems, books and paintings are as famous as Qi Baishi and Xinyu Pu, they are also called "Southern Zhangbeiqi" and "Southern Zhangbeipu". It is as famous as Huang Junbi and Xinyu Pu as the "Three Across the Sea".

张大千,20世纪最传奇的国画大师,这位如今作品在全球艺术市场成 交金额已超越毕加索成为全 球 第 一的画家,却曾经当过土匪、做过和尚、画过仿画、受过战争迫害并栖身海外各国数十年甚至历经眼睛失明,却成为徐悲鸿眼中“五百年来一大千”、“五百年来第 一人”,并与20世纪西方绘画代表人物毕加索平起平坐。

Zhang Daqian, the most legendary Chinese painting master in the 20th century, is a painter whose works have surpassed Picasso to become the number one in the whole world in the global art market. However, he used to be a bandit, a monk, painted imitation paintings, was persecuted by war and lived in overseas countries for decades, even went blind. However, he became "a thousand in 500 years" and "the first person in 500 years" in Xu Beihong's eyes, and was on an equal footing with Picasso, the representative figure of western painting in the 20th century.


Among his many paintings, landscape painting is the most successful, and his Buddha statues are especially good. Zhang Daqian spent three years in Dunhuang, learning to copy murals. His good paintings of Buddha statues have something to do with these three years' study.


Zhang Daqian's most creative work is figure painting. Because he is a devout Buddhist, the Buddhist theme has become an important theme throughout Zhang Daqian's life. "Buddha Picture" is Zhang Daqian's elaborate work, and its exquisite degree is a rare masterpiece of similar works created by masters. No matter the appearance, image, clothing, eyes, lips and eyebrows of Bodhisattva, there is a sense of transcendent and refined. The Buddha in the painting is solemn and kind in shape, elegant and upright in attitude, and unusually handsome in appearance, which reflects the truth, goodness and beauty of the universe. This kind of spiritual realm and facial image make people feel reverence and respect. In most of his paintings, Mr. Daqian calls himself "Daqian Jushi", which is related to his early becoming a monk and his legal name Daqian.

回顾张大千字画价格以往成 交记录——1968年所作巨幅绢本泼彩,宽76.2厘米,长264.2厘米,画面描绘的是远眺瑞士亚琛湖所见。2010年5月17日晚11点半,经过近60轮激烈叫价,《爱痕湖》以人民币10080万元的天价成 交,这也创下他个人的成 交记录,也是取决于他个人的艺术生平。张善子、张大千昆仲共同创建了大千画派,它是中国综合性绘画流派之一。二十世纪20年代,张善子、张大千在上海西门路西成里“大风堂”开堂收徒,传道授艺,所有弟 子们皆被称为“大风堂门人”。

Looking back at the previous record of the price of Zhang Daqian's calligraphy and painting-a huge silk book painted in 1968, with a width of 76.2 cm and a length of 264.2 cm, the picture depicts the view overlooking Lake Aachen, Switzerland. At 11: 30 p.m. on May 17th, 2010, after nearly 60 rounds of fierce bidding, "love bites Lake" was paid at a sky-high price of RMB 100.8 million, which also set a record for his personal payment and also depended on his personal artistic life. Zhang Shanzi and Zhang Daqian Kunzhong jointly founded Daqian Painting School, which is one of the comprehensive painting schools in China. In the 1920s, Zhang Shanzi and Zhang Daqian opened the "Dafengtang" in Xicheng, Ximen Road, Shanghai, where they preached and taught arts. All their younger brothers and sons were called "Dafengtang masters"




Please contact: Sichuan Zhonglong Auction Group Co., Ltd. for relevant information about this collection.

